Some questions we’ve been asked

Nothing like the smell of steamed bones in the morning. Which reminds me, one of the most frequent questions we got at the fair last sat was "Is this real?" and "Did you buy these?".

I wanted to take a moment to address these questions here ..

Yes, everything we sell is absolutely real. Some of the smaller necklaces with very tiny skulls or bones we seal with a spray, or paint with a sealant. We do this because we want your purchase, and our art, to last as long as possible without breaking. We also wear and test everything we make as far as jewelry goes because we absolutely do not want you to worry about a paw, or feathers degrading and falling apart. But every single bone, paw, tail, or otherwise is very much real. And very much dead.

The question we didn't expect was that people assumed we outsource our products. This is not true. We make sure that every single bone and skull and hide we use was processed by us. We have a colony of flesh eating Beatles for this very reason. We will not purchase bones from other vendors for the sole purpose of we do not know where they came from, or most importantly... why they died. We use roadkill for this very reason. We do not like seeing these beautiful creatures killed and left to rot when we can absolutely recycle their bones and hide into beautiful art. This is our way of respectful celebration of their life.

We also will use parts of animals that hunters don't want anymore. We work with small local farms and weigh stations in the same way. An ethical hunt, or farm kill that's going to be used can't use the things we want... bones ♥️ so it's a win win for all of us. People gift us dead animals quite frequently, we will get emails from people who have bought from us, or just remember that they have our card and we'll even go pick up something they may have found because it's human nature to not want to waste anything. So we love what we do ♥️

Please always feel free to ask us any questions, we love sharing and educating people who want to know more!


Fortean Fest


What to expect at haunted happenings…