We are SO excited to put up our first products! We hope you are too! Our fabulous creator has been working hard to bring these baddies to the sales page. Available as of today we are releasing our Ear Tips and Budgie Barrettes!

What on earth is an ear tip earring??? Well, some people are not aware of the feral cat/barn cat programs that shelters and rescues work hard to create all around the USA. Cats are big time invasive predators, and outdoor cats who are not spayed or neutered can reproduce in record time. Some cats who start off as strays will lose that human connection that makes them the lovable little house gods that we know and love. The longer a cat reproduces outdoors and away from human contact, the more likely that lineage of cats will become whats called a feral colony. Feral cats despise humans, and even if caught they are typically far past the stage of development that bonds them to us. They will not be happy in a home environment, and will at all costs find ways to escape back to the outdoors. Volunteers will then trap these feral cats, bring them to a shelter or clinic to have them desexed and then either brought back to the colony they came from, or adopted out in a barn cat program (think mousers that live on farms). But how would you know that the feral cat has been spayed or neutered???? WELL that’s where the tipping comes in. Shelters and clinics will cut off the left tip of a feral cats ear, of course while the cat is under sedation for the proper s/n surgery. BOOM. Cat ear tips for the win! Each pair of earrings made are actually from 2 whole cats, out in the wild living their best life away from us :)

You can’t forget our second product, Budgie Barrettes! These unique barrettes are from parakeets, also known as budgies, who have passed away from old age. They have spent their life being pampered by loving owners. Upon their passing, these pet parents did not want to see their budgie-buddies go to waste, so they kindly donated their bodies to us to be used and remembered long after their passing. Of course, not only their wings have gone to an honorable use, but other projects are in store for them, so stay tuned!


Our first vendor booth!


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