WOW. Our first vendor experience just knocked us off our feet. We had SUCH A FUN TIME. It was so great to meet everyone and help spread our love of the dead. We did NOT think that we were going to be a popular table at PRIDE, but we are SO thankful that we were a hit! PRIDE means a lot to us, and this made it even more special. We appreciate every one who stopped by to chat, look around and just share with us their love of the dead. We can’t wait to continue making things for you all.

We just received new molds for our memorial art!

Some of our wet specimens ARE READY.

We love the business connections we made and cannot wait to start working with other artists.

Some people we met expressed interest in classes or learning how we do what we do, if that’s you, SEND US AN EMAIL. We love sharing the knowledge and we have been trying to get like minded folks together for some Dead Stuff FUN.

We will be adding some of our items back tonight, and will have all of them back up by tomorrow.

Once again, WE APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH and thank you!!!!


Dermestid Beetles


Our first vendor booth!