Hello Deathorations Family!

Wow, We have had a GREAT first year as a buiseness and we are so excited to bring even more this new year in 2022!

We have had so much fun meeting all kinds of new people at all the events we attended, we hope you have had fun meeting us!

A lot of new products are in the works, and I wanted to take this moment between vendor fairs to kind of talk about that! As you may have noticed, all of our product is real (yes real!) and very locally, and ethically sourced. We will always remain this way, that is a promise. The downside of this is we can’t pump out mass volumes of product. We are not going online and purchasing extra skulls and bones for things, we do not buy fur from other sellers - and there is nothing wrong with artists who do outsource! So because we are the ones finding, skinning, cleaning, degreasing, and then also designing our products it will be a slower process and we hope you all understand!

We also strive to keep what we make as affordable as possible, because we want to share our love for the dead with people. To help keep the ability to make art, for less, we have to do something in between to keep us afloat (aside from our full time jobs lmao).

We offer skull cleaning! This has opened up all kinds of new, cool relationships for us. Local hunters who like to display their catch as European Mounts hire us to quickly, and easily clean their bones. This keeps our colony well fed and active, gives us some $ to keep plugin along, and also is a very cool way for hunters to display their deer. A cool thing we found out of this is that most hunters will let us have any part of their catch that they wont be needing. This keeps the whole process pretty low waste and we love it!

Thanks for being apart of the Deathorations Fam!


European Mounts
